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11 Jan 2022 - by Cristian Joe

8 BindHQ-Approved & Must-Read Books & Articles For Independent Agents & Insurtech Companies

Leaders are readers.

Do you want to disrupt the industry? Change the competitive “game”? And come out ahead?

Then, you’ll need some new ideas. What better way to get them than by reading?

This blog contains 8 of our favorite books and articles guaranteed to get your cogs turning and your brain seeing the insurance industry in new ways. Enjoy!

Meeting with notebooksHere at BindHQ we’re focused on making our users as effective as possible. We design, build, iterate and experiment with the goal of helping insurance companies do great things.

Here are the reading materials we’ve incorporated into our cultural DNA; hopefully they can be just as useful to you!

Organizational Structure

Distributed Agile Team Patterns

Getting Real

The LeSS framework


Microservice Architecture

Move fast & break nothing

 Sales & Strategy

Spin Selling

Product Market Fit

Startups = Growth

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